
26 June 2021 Convention/Conference Summer Feminist Connect 2021


Event location

Seminarhaus Meuchefitz
Meuchefitz 19
29482 Küsten


26.06.2021, 10:00 - 30.06.2021, 18:00 Hr


Social Movements / Organizing, Gender Relations, Social Theory


Register now
Summer Feminist Connect is a gathering for refugee and migrant women, BiPoC-women and white women who are supporting their political fights for equal rights, justice and sense of belonging.
The goal of this meeting is to provide a space for women who are negtivaly affected by racism for exchange, debate and political education. There will be an extensive and accompanied discussion and workshop program, which aims to empower all participants, as well as to give new impulses for political strategies and activities.
The event is organized by women from the groups NINA: womeN IN Action, Women in Exile e.V. and FLIT Solidarity Africa.The topics are set by these groups and will include: Anti-Black racism, racism in school-system in Germany, empowerment-training for BiPOC-women, intersectionalism: history, ideas and reflection of political work (et al.)
Besides this Summer Feminist Connect is also a space to have fun, relax, get to know each other and getting some break from daily life.
During the whole 5 days there will be a childcare and also a program for the children.

Here you can find more information and also an invitation to participate:

Please contact us via e-Mail:



Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Niedersachsen

Phone: (0511) 2790934